
D-Con past experience
Client Project description Value
Delta Realty – Menlo Mews D-Con was appointed by Delta Realty for the construction of Menlo Mews, a five-unit housing development in Menlo Park, Pretoria. Tasks undertaken by D-Con included the construction of the development’s boundary walls, the internal water and electrical junction boxes, the guardhouse, the entrance gate, the paving area, and the five housing units including concrete work, brickwork and electrical trades, and the installation of the internal networks. R7 500 000.00
Delta Realty – Menlo Pinnacles D-Con was contracted by Delta Realty to construct a 10 unit block of flats including extended paving, landscaping and a green wall. R10 000 000.00
Doornkloof Nature Reserve D-Con was appointed for the construction of various upgrades at Doornkloof Nature Reserve in the Northern Cape Province, and was responsible for the management of 450 construction employees. The new facilities that were constructed comprised an office building, an entrance gate, a staff village, a manager’s house, and a bush camp. R50 000 000.00
Lamprecht Renovations D-Con undertook renovations to a residence and the construction tasks included retiling floors, repainting and patching of ceilings and the garage floor, gutters and internal walls and installing new carpets, gas, new kitchen cupboards, counter tops and burglar bars. Upgrading the main bathroom, conducting electrical maintenance. R500 000.00
Renovations at 5 Wilkinson Street D-Con was contracted to renovate an existing house which included the addition of two bathrooms. R500 000.00
Lekgalametse Nature Reserve D-Con provided staff, equipment and expertise for the development of the Lekgalametse Nature reserve – an EPWP Project undertaken by Delta BEC on behalf of the Department of Environmental Affairs. R40 000 000.00
House Hammer Renovations of HOUSE HAMMER entailed the extension of the main bedroom and installation of a new en-suite bathroom, as well as retiling floors throughout the house. R150 000.00
House Smit D-Con undertook renovations of HOUSE SMIT which included the installation of a new kitchen and associated renovations. R100 000.00
Department of Environmental Affairs D-Con undertook the construction of a buy-back centre in Garankuwa. The project entailed the construction of a warehouse with associated infrastructure and fencing. R2 000 000.00

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